Welcome to your one-stop-shop for instructions on playing SAS.
Playing SAS is as simple or complex as you want to make it. There are deep strategic and operational challenges; but you can automate any or all major tasks (steps 3 to 8 below) by using your computerised 2-I-C.
You can play a whole turn in just a few minutes by using all the automated help features. This is the best way to quickly start playing SAS WW2. It is recommended that you first read the how to play a turn in 5 minutes help page. And the length of the turn itself is variable' - it can be anywhere from 1 week to 6 months of 'real time'.
Then you can follow these links at your leisure to learn how to play the game in more depth. You will discover that SAS WW2 gives you unparalleled flexibility by allowing you to take control of just the areas you want. This way, you can ease into the game play at your own pace, and according to your own areas of interest. Some players will want to design their own ships and select the best ships for their navy. Some will want to learn how to control operational orders - to varying levels of detail. Some will want to control spending on infrastructure, troops and aircraft more closely. Some will want to do all of it.
Follow these links, in the recommended order, to learn everything you need to know:
In addition, you can save your game file at any point prior to running the turn. This allows you to exit SAS and come back to the same point when you want. See Loading and saving files for more info.
You can also play games by email - see the Play by Email help file.