How to edit or create missions

Other chapters have covered how you can guide your 2IC before he creates missions, or cancel missions he creates.

Now you are going to learn how to edit in fine detail any mission after he has created it. You can, for example, add to or remove ships, or change the rules of engagement, or even alter the movement path and speed or the objectives.

The same knowledge will also allow you to create your own missions from scratch, without reliance on your 2IC.

All editing and manual creation of missions starts from the theatre map. (See accessing the theatre map for help on bringing up the map).

To edit or create missions you need to understand what the elements of a mission are.

The elements of any mission are:

Follow these links in the suggested order to learn how to edit or create missions:

  1. Creating a fleet
  2. Assigning ships to a fleet
  3. Setting rules of engagement
  4. Setting the movement path