How strategy affects infrastructure development

Your 2IC allocates available resources to infrastructure improvement based on your strategy.

Very cautious strategy

40% of available resources are earmarked for infrastructure - a very substantial investment as it leaves only 60% for new ships, aircraft and troops. Priority is on long-term war-winning factors such as technology R&D and port infrastructure. The strategy is to build a very solid base for victory, even if it takes time.

Cautious strategy

30% of available resources are earmarked for infrastructure. The remaining 70% is free for new ships, aircraft and troops. Planning assumes a moderately long war. Infrastructure priorities are on things that help both offensive operations( fleet training) as well as port facilities and defences.

Aggressive strategy

20% of available resources are earmarked for infrastructure. The remainder (80%) is to be spent on new ships, aircraft and troops, with the aim of achieving a moderately quick victory. Infrastructure priorities are on things that maximise offensive capability: fleet training, and ship building and repair facilities.

Very aggressive strategy

Only 10% of available resources is earmarked for infrastructure. (The remaining 90% is to be devoted directly to building new front-line fighting capability: new ships, aircraft and troops, with the aim of an all-out quick and decisive victory). Infrastructure priorities are on things that maximise immediate offensive capability: fleet training, ship building and repair facilities and naval intelligence.