How to combine your own ship construction plan with your 2IC's plan
In the page on how to edit your 2IC's construction plan it was explained how you can make your own ship building decisions after the 2IC has prepared a plan.
Another way of achieving the same result - which some players may prefer - is to reverse the order of actions. The player selects or designs the ships of particular interest, and then lets the 2IC complete the plan for the turn using the remaining tonnage.
To do things this way, follow these simple steps:
- Click on "Build" and then "Ships" on the blackboard in the Admiral's Office.
- When the 2IC Help screen appears, click "No" to indicate you do not (yet) want 2IC assistance.
- In the Build Ships screen that now appears, select or design your own ships and issue orders to construct them. See building ships for detailed instructions.
- Click the "Finished" button to close the Build Ships screen.
- Now, bring the 2IC Help screen back by clicking "Build" and then "Ships" on the blackboard once more.
- Then click on the "Yes" button, to get your 2IC's assistance. He will now use whatever tonnage remains to plan construction of the rest of your navy, taking into account the types of ships you have already chosen to build.