How to automatically build ships

The simplest way to create ships is to let your 2IC do it all for you.

This page just explains how to let your 2IC do it all.

How to invoke your 2IC

First, you have to call up your 2IC.

From the main menu on the blackboard to the left hand side of your office, click on "Build". Then, on the build menu that comes up, click on "Ships"

The 2IC Help Screen

You will now see the 2IC help screen for building ships. The screen has some help text, some buttons, and a picture of your 2IC. Shown below is an example for the US player, relying on Admiral Spruance as his (very cautious) strategist:

The help text indicates that the 2IC is ready to "draw up a proposed ship construction list that is in accordance with our very cautious strategy".

You can learn how changing strategy affects this plan by going to the how strategy affects ship building page.

For now, it is assumed that you are following the simplest of all options, and are not changing strategy.

To authorise your 2IC to draw up a plan, just click on the "Yes" button at the bottom right of the sreen.

He will then select the numbers and types of ships to suit your strategy.

This may take a few moments so please be patient while this is occurring.

When the plan is finished, the 2IC Help Screen will disappear and the ship roster screen will appear. (Follow the link for information about this screen).

Click the close button on the Ship Roster. The Build Ships screen will now appear, giving you a chance to edit what the 2IC has done. Just click the "Finished" button on the Build Ships screen.

That's it. The job of constructing all your ships for the turn is now complete.

Best of all, you can review what your 2IC has done, and change any part of it. See editing your 2IC's ship construction plan. This gives you the control you want while leaving the hackwork to your 2IC.