Building a Ship

First, bring up the build ships screen.

Then after selecting an historical ship design, or modifying an historical design, or creating a new design, and optionally naming it, you are ready to build it.

To build one ship of the chosen design, click once on the "Build" button:

Each time you click on "Build", one ship of the selected class will be constructed.

You will see the ships progressively added to the "Navy List" at the bottom of the screen:

At the bottom of the "Navy List" you can see a progressive total of the tonnage you have built so far, and the remaining tonnage that you have left to build.

Note: The tonnage shown as remaining relates to the selected ship type. The tonnage you can build is based on the resources you have at the ports that can build that type of ship. You may see the 'remaining tonnage' value change as you change your selection of ship type.

Note that ships built on turn 1 of a campaign are available immediately (unless they have been delayed), whereas those built on any subsequent turn take a realistic time to construct.

You can cancel any build command given in this turn.

To get a clearer view of your navy than the small "Navy List" gives you, just click on the "View All" button: . This brings up your detailed, full screen ship roster.

You will get an error message if you try to build a ship when you have insufficient resources for it:

You will also get an error if a ship to be constructed has no name or else the same name as one you have already.