Create a Campaign - Setting intelligence levels

The level of naval intelligence for a country can be between 1 and 10 (maximum). The default value is based on historical levels applicable when the country entered WW2. Intelligence levels significantly affect the quantity and accuracy of the information a player obtains about the enemy - such as the location and composition of his fleets, the characteristics of his ships, and the resources, troops and aircraft he has at his various bases.

Higher intelligence levels not only improve the quantity and accuracy of a player's information (eg through better code breaking) they also have a negative effect on the enemy's intelligence gathering. (Intelligence includes counter-intelligence efforts).

Intelligence can be increased during a game (see how to build infrastructure).

But the starting levels can also be changed here if you want. As the level for one side or the other is changed you will probably see the starting odds changing also.

The current level for each side is shown on the screen:

To change the level for one side or the other simply drag the associated slider up or down.

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