Aggressive strategy

An aggressive strategy will favour a plan for a medium term win:

An aggressive strategy also affects the proportion of fighters that are automatically held back for combat air patrol over your carriers and airfields. These aircraft are not available for offensive strikes. Under an aggressive strategy, 30% of the full establishment of fighters for each fleet carrier will be on CAP. On escort carriers, this proportion is increased by 50% (to 45%) because of their primary defensive role.

In addition, an aggressive strategy has a default set of approved missions that your 2-I-C uses when building your fleets.

The following missions come by default with the strategy. They are listed in priority order, from top to bottom:

Note that you can manually change the approved missions or change their priority, without changing your overall strategy. The strategy also has default values for certain other mission parameters, such as the minimum and optimum number of escorts for dfferent kinds of mission. See how to edit the strategy for missions for more information.