Create a Campaign - Setting Ship Design Options

One of the interesting possibilities that SAS WW2 allows is for campaigns to feature not only historical ships but also those that were planned but never completed - like Germany's massive H Class battleships, as well as some 'might-have-beens' - like a French Richlieu class battleship armed with the 16 inch guns actually designed by the French. And, most interesting of all, you can also design and build your own ships from the keel up, using the ship design editor, which gives you over two million possible designs!

Yet some players may not wish for all this flexibility, preferring a campaign that is more historically-based.

You can choose any of four possible options regarding ship design, just by selecting the option from the drop-down list:

The options are explained below, in the order from most to least historically faithful:

Historical ships only

With this option, the ship design editor is disabled. Only ships actually launched in time for WW2 will be available for selection. Ships planned but never completed, or those that 'might-have-been' are also excluded.

Planned ships

Under this option, the list of available ships is expanded to include those that were planned in WW2, even if they were never completed. The US Montana class, the British Lion class, the German H class battleships are just some of those that are now available. Also available are some interwar designs - mostly battlecruisers - that were cancelled due to Treaty limitations. Examples here include the US Lexington class.

Hypothetical ships

With this selection, the list of available ships is further expanded to include some 'might-have-beens', such as a 16 inch gunned Richlieu and an enlarged Littorio class battleship with twelve instead of nine 15 inch guns. These might-have-beens are included to add further interest, as well as to help balance the options available to different countries.

Player-designed or modified ships

Finally, by selecting 'Own ship designs' you enable the ship design editor as well. This gives you, in addition to all the other possibilities, the option of creating your own unique designs, or of making modifications to historical ships. The simple-to-use editor allows you to create over two million possible designs, all with just a few mouse clicks. See building ships - an overview for more information.

Next steps

Once you have made your selection, you are ready to perform the next step in building a campaign.

Click here to return to the help page detailing the next steps.