The screen pictured below lets you set additional game parameters, including the opening strategy for each side:
By default, the first country you selected for the campaign is player-controlled, and the second is computer-controlled.
You can change this around, or make both sides player-controlled using the drop down lists:
Note that to swap sides, you must first make the computer-controlled side player-controlled, then change the other to computer-controlled. The computer will reject any attempt to make both sides computer-controlled.
It is also important to note that these are initial choices only. You are free during the game to take control of the other side and let the computer control what was your side.
When both sides are set as player-controlled, you have the option of using hot seat play, using the same computer, or of playing by email. See playing by email for help on this.
SAS WW2 is primarily a strategic and high-level operational game. To help you make decisions your 2-I-C will develop plans for more ships, aircraft, troops and port infrastructure, and will plan missions. Thes plans will broadly aim to fulfill one of four general strategies: very cautious, cautious, aggressive or very aggressive. Your computer opponent also plans in this way.
The choice of strategy has a big effect on these plans, as well having more subtle effects, such as on the default fleet orders given to certain fleets. For more information, see the strategies help page.
You can change your strategy at any time during game play. The choices here simply set the strategy that applies from the opening of game play and until they are changed by a player.
When you select the strategy, you actually select the name of a famous Admiral, whose actions in war-time indicated the kind of strategy he preferred.
For example, Isoroku Yamamoto, the mastermind of the Pearl Harbor attack, is rated as 'very aggressive'. Dudley Pound, the British First Sea Lord most famous for his catastrophic decision to save his naval ships and leave convoy PQ17 to a merciless fate, is rated as 'very cautious'.
To make things more interesting, if one side is to be computer-controlled, you can select the strategy as '??'. This means the computer will randomly select one of the four strategies, so you will have to deduce the enemy's strategy from his actions.
SAS WW2 allows you to play a very quick or a very slow game according to your taste. You do this by varying the length of the strategic turn and the operational turn.
For more information on what these turn lengths mean, see Overview - timescales.
You can change these during game play. But you can also set the turn lengths here in the campaign creator. These settings apply from the opening of the game until they are changed by a player.
If you want to return to reset parameters on a previous screen, click the 'Cancel (Go Back)' button'. The current screen closes and you will see the previous screen.
When you are satisfied with the choices made on this screen, click the 'OK (Continue)' button. The screen will close and you will be taken to the final screen where you complete and save your campaign.
Click here for help on this last screen.