Modern Naval Conflicts Series is a NWS Team designed next generation
comprehensive naval wargame covering the hypothetical major naval
battles of WW3 with the ability to create unlimited custom scenarios.
Game Features: (expansions will add additional time frames, regions,
navies, etc.):
* 6 - 11" x 17" full color cardstock maps covering over 1.5 million
square nm of the GIUK naval theater.
* 25nm map hex scale and 5nm-scale tactical formation display for
resolving closer range combat.
* Time frame/area for the first edition is 1970-1980 / GIUK AOA with
other time frames/locations planned for future editions.
* Rapid fire combat resolution allowing players to handle even large
naval engagements in just a few hours.
* Forces will included: United States, United Kingdom, Norway, and the
Soviet Union. More countries planned for published expansions.
* Detailed data for 140+ ship/submarine classes, 100+ aircraft types,
and 70+ land units included.
* Data covers all major classes of ships and submarines and models of
aircraft for the 1970s period for the three navies covered.
* Streamlined, detailed, and easy to follow combat mechanics including
basic, advanced, and optional rules.
* Full color professionally printed and mounted 560 - 1/2" aircraft,
ship, sub, etc. combat unit counters
* 50 page rules manual. Scenarios are available on the CD-ROM included
with the game.
* 17 cardstock sheets with color-coded Reference Tables covering all
dimensions of sub, surface, and aerial combat, sensors, and electronic
* 8 x Formation Displays on heavy cardstock.
* CD-ROM with complete unit data/record sheets, scenarios, and other
files (All in PDF format).
* Combat examples included for easy understanding of how the rules work
during game play as well as quick reference modifier charts.
* 2 ten-sided dice.
* Very flexible design that can be played as a board game or with
* Packaged in a sturdy game box; 12"x9"x2.25"
* Rules, counters, and other materials will be useable with all other
MNC series games.
Expansion adds 200 new and updated unit data sheets (on CD-ROM) to
cover the USSR, UK, and USA for the 1980s period, as well as
adding unit data for Argentina and UK for the 1982 Falklands Conflict.
The Expansion also includes two new thick paper gloss map panels (each
11" x 17") that cover the Falkland Islands and Argentine coastal areas
so that you can create and/or play scenarios that can range over the
entire Falklands theater.
The Expansion includes a 20 page Rules Manual that has two sections:
the First section adds new, expanded and advanced rules for MNC that
add new depths of realism to the game, as well as accounts for advances
in technology that occurred during the 1980s time frame. The Second
section of the manual covers the 1982 Falklands Conflict, with
geographical and related information (as well as rules specific to the
Falklands Conflict) needed to plan, create, and play scenarios
for the Conflict. This section also contains information about
different types of missions that each side performed during the
Conflict to help players create their own scenarios. Each mission type
also includes a historic 'starter scenario' that demonstrates a typical
version of that mission. The Expansion also includes a new sheet of 280
die-cut counters, with new counters for missiles for red and blue
sides, and adds sufficient counters to add a third side (green) to
play, which can be used for the Argentine side in Falkland scenarios,
or perhaps as a minor navy in a GIUK battle.
Copyright and Trademark Notice: NWS:
Modern Naval Conflicts is Copyrighted © 2010/2011 by Naval Warfare
Simulations. All rights to publish, copy, sell, trademark, or otherwise
disseminate all versions of NWS: MNC by either electronic or physical
means are owned in it's entirety by Naval Warfare Simulations. No
publishing, copying, selling, trade marking, or otherwise disseminating
NWS: MNC is permitted without express written permission from NWS.
"NWS: Modern Naval Conflicts" is a trademark for Naval Warfare
Simulation's naval wargame covering modern naval combat.